Nature-Allied Medicine
People of medicine have always worked closely with nature to effect healing. Even in our modern Western medical practice, our pharmaceuticals are derived from the natural world. Now science is catching up with what traditional healers have long known--plants, food, nature, loving connection, music, dance, and ritual all have very real healing power. Our lineage as healers has honored this allied healing relationship with nature from the beginning. This allyship is ours to honor, tend, embody, inhabit and reclaim.
By working upstream to effect healing we may prevent and reverse chronic disease, will return to wholeness, and will decrease the burden on the healthcare system and our brothers and sisters working within it. We also decrease the CO2 footprint of the healthcare system (currently quite large), easing the burden on our beloved Earth and all of life here, now, and for generations to come.
We are holding a vision of a shifted paradigm--where our work effects healing on many levels and reweaves a regenerative ecology of wellbeing, in community with all of life.

Our program offerings support awakening to our true nature, transformative behavior change, personal and interpersonal wellness and resilience, and a deep allied relationship with our beloved Earth.
Opening to resonance with the higher healing vibrations of love and joy.
Attuned to natural and seasonal rhythms, our offerings draw on the emerging science supporting integrative approaches to health and healing, while opening to the wisdom at work in our own natural beings.
We welcome engagement here, on the land. Your hands in this soil. Tending, building community, receiving the benefits of loving up the land, learning some regenerative tending practices in the process; it is a beautiful thing to cultivate relationship with place. Our volunteer tending day in the Garden is Wednesday. Email us at to get involved.

Meet Anna
Physician, Healer, Mother, Lover of the Earth

As an integrative medicine physician trained in family and community medicine, Anna loves to hold space for healing. She loves supporting and guiding people in explorations of healing, addressing the root cause of an imbalance or of suffering and supporting a return to balance, especially within the context of our relationships and societal structures. She is moved to do the essential work of shifting paradigms in medicine and beyond, that we may truly do no harm and, further, work for deep healing on many levels.
As a lover of nature, she has always sought her own healing in the embrace of the natural world, and recognizes the potency and wisdom in an allied partnership between healer and nature.
As a mother of two daughters, she is moved to embody dedicated action to make a better world, for collective liberation and healing for life on this beautiful planet.
As founder and director of Natura, she is honored to illuminate models of healing that effectively improve the wellbeing and resilience in individuals and communities, weave closer relationship with our beloved Earth, and are equitable, accessible and in reciprocal relationship with all of life.
As steward of the beautiful Commonweal Garden, she delights in the human-nature interface, especially those places where the lines get blurred and one experiences a state of interbeing.
She loves listening for how she can be of service. If you'd like to inquire about how you might engage her support, email