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Full Moon Fire Circle

Over time and across geographical space our human family has circled around fires. Inviting contemplation, story, community and wisdom sharing, a fire circle creates an opening into deep connection with ourselves, each other, and our human family.

The Full Moon Fire Circles in the Commonweal Garden are intergenerational, held in deep appreciation of the presence and wisdom of elders. We welcome people of all ages into the contemplative space. Continuing the tradition initiated with the Elder Fires, we are cultivating the cultural medicine of connecting with story, each other, and our elemental nature.

The dates of upcoming Full Moon Fire Circles are as follows. Please note that during the dry season we will be holding the fire only if conditions allow--please sign up for our mailing list (below) to receive the invitation the day we project to hold it. If you plan to come please RSVP to so we can be sure to have a seat for you. Thank you! Rain cancels.

Summer-Fall 2024

June 21

July 21

August 20

September 16

October 17

November 15

*Please note that this event takes place on wood-chipped paths, with port-o-potties that have a step.

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