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Advising Elder 



James Stark has focused his work at the intersection of ecology, community resilience and healing over many decades. With a Masters in Environmental Sciences, focusing on Sustainable Community Development and an M.A. in Spiritual Psychology, his work has centered on developing institutions and programs that strengthen the resilience of communities, and serving as a guide for individuals seeking to lead in times of change. He co-founded and co-directs the Regenerative Design Institute on Whidbey Island, Washington, and currently serves as Senior Advisor with Natura Institute for Ecology and Medicine, and Staff with Commonweal’s The Resilience Project, both in Bolinas, California. His community work has yielded the co-creation of community-based non-profits that have created replicable models for developing community resilience. He presently co-facilitates the Art of Vitality and Resilience Wayfinding programs at Natura.


James has committed his life to exploring how we — ourselves, our communities, and our species — might move into harmony with our true nature and re-ignite a deep connection with the rest of the natural world. A large part of that work is focused on cultivating vitality in all areas of our lives -physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.


For decades, James dedicated himself to community visioning, organizing and promoting community as medicine in Marin County. As part of that community work he co-founded the following organizations:


West Marin Growers Group (WMGG), which was created to ensure food security in Marin County. WMGG grew into the 5013c, Marin Organic, which introduced the Marin Organic Food Label.


Waste Free Now, which is committed to West Marin becoming waste free and hosts the innovative annual Recycle Circus including a "Stuff Exchange" for people to redistribute community resources.


KWMR "Watershed Radio," which is a licensed 501c3 community radio station in the tenth year of providing a voice for West Marin residences and heard around the world live through web casting.


CLAM — Community Land Trust Association of Marin, an affordable ecological housing land trust (5013c) created to provide affordable housing in the face of increasing gentrification.


James’ years working with visioning and community development service led him to an interest in exploring how a healthy inner ecology can impact one's work in the world. As part of that inquiry, he earned a master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica. Like the natural systems and patterns that guide permaculture, his work now is focused on helping others to lead from the inside out and source their lives from deep nature connection. He believes that creating a loving, peaceful inner world provides the soil for the seeds of our visions to grow in the world and lead a fully expressed life of vitality.



James served two consecutive board terms on the West Marin Chamber of Commerce, the Permaculture Credit Union and the Center for Responsible Tourism.

He served on steering committees for West Marin's county supervisor dealing with waste and affordable housing issues and also served on the Built Environment Working Committee charged with updating the county-wide plan of Marin County. He has presented at conferences around the world including as the opening keynote speaker at the annual conference of naturopathic physicians in summer 2009 and spoke at the INK conference in India in 2012.

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