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Food As Medicine Immune Boosting, Anti-Viral Recipes

​ A healthy immune system requires nourishment to function well. Our bodies have co-evolved over thousands of years with plants, and the "phytochemicals" and "flavonoids" they contain. It is such a happy circumstance that our bodies need that which is tastes so delicious, and that we can grow for ourselves, our families, our communities. ​


In this time of being at home, in stillness and connection, I think of the strength and resilience that comes from being in right relationship with the natural world. What plants should I think about planting now for optimal immune and wellness support? What veggies do our local farmers sell at their farmstand? How can I be an ever-better steward of the land on which I live, and be in a supportive relationship with the soil, the microbes, the water?


Please, please consider, if you have abundant resources, making and sharing soup with those who might not be able to themselves. If you have an abundant rosemary hedge, for example, share with others. More chard than you could ever eat? Same. Consider what future resilience and culinary delights might be served by growing potent culinary herbs and vegetables in your yard, your neighborhood, your community. ​


I'll share recipes inspired by what is growing in the Commonweal Garden, highlighting immune-boosting, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory ingredients. I'll also keep in mind ways to keep food costs low by incorporating ingredients that can be purchased in bulk and found in nature. ​


We are on this wild ride together. It is nice to imagine others out there, engaging in the radical, healing, and life-supporting act of making nourishing foods. ​

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